The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Fairfield Academy

We hope you are able to take some time to explore and learn about the huge range of opportunities and experiences on offer at Fairfield Academy.


We have a Nursery class here at Fairfield taking children after they are 3. The Nursery class is very much part of our school and a big part of our Foundation unit, taking part in joint Nativities and enabling a smooth transition into Reception where places have been applied for and allocated here. 

We operate the same hours in Nursery as throughout the school with the same start and finish times and offer wraparound care from 7.50am to 6pm at an additional cost if needed. 

The 15 hours free childcare can be used here over 5 sessions, a session being a morning (8.40am - 12pm) or afternoon (12pm - 3.20pm), and you can also use the free 30 hours if you are eligible which can be used to make a full time Monday to Friday week, or chosen sessions with the wrapround care option. You can choose to have more than the 5 sessions but unless you have the 30 hour code these will be charged at a cost of £17.25 each.

3 year old funding begins from the term after a child is 3 depending on their date of birth. The dates for the term cutoffs are 31st December, 31st March and 31st August. Once your child is 3 they can start Nursery, with 3 year old funding, the term after their 3rd birthday. 

If you would like your child to start before this funding begins, we may be able, if space allows, to admit them early once they have turned 3. As 3 year old funding does not start until the term after, any sessions until funding starts would be at a cost of £17.25 per session. 

Please contact the school office if you have any questions.

Nursery funding - Childcare Choices

Please see the link below to go to the HM Government website for childcare funding help.

Nursery Admissions

Please see below for the application form to apply for a place. This can be returned to the school in person or via email.

30 hours free childcare is available for 3 and 4 year olds. This is double the 15 hours which was previously available and could save working families up to £5,000 a year. You can check your eligibility using the online calculator and, if eligible, apply online. You will then receive a code which you can bring into school and we will check it with the local authority. If eligible, you can the book your child’s 30 hours place (subject to availability). Use this link to check if your child is eligible: 


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